Educational Music Software
The Benefits of Educational Music Software
Interactive educational music software makes learning easier for students and teaching easier for educators. The programs vary in terms of what is included. Here are some of the features you might find interesting.
Practicing scales or arpeggios might not be any budding musician’s favorite pastime but it is important for learning to read music quickly and playing notes accurately. Most programs include scale and arpeggio exercises.
Music teachers can assign the exercises. Some programs allow for the exercises to be recorded and the teacher can access the student’s progress.
Sight reading exercises are another option for assignment with many of the available music programs. These activities are typically timed, allowing the student just a few moments to play a piece they have studied previously.

As mentioned above, recording features are available with some programs. Not only can these be used to complete assignments; the recording feature can also be used by musicians that are interested in writing their own material.
The added cost of the recording feature may be well worth it for someone who is hoping to establish a career in music. The feature can be used for years to come.
Practice for Different Genres
Some musical computer educational software programs include practice patterns for a variety of different genres. Jazz, for example, is a popular genre that many musicians wish to learn. The patterns used in jazz are appropriate for marching bands, brass bands and public performances. A free interactive site can be found at Zac Johnson's Free Music Education Resources is dedicated to bringing free music and jazz education resources to students and teachers all over the world.
Virtual and Physical Keyboards
When available, the virtual keyboard allows students to practice using an on-screen piano-type keyboard. This helps them make a visual connection between the position or appearance of the key and the corresponding note. Visual connections are important memory aids.
With programs that do not include a virtual keyboard, the manufacturers of musical computer educational software often recommend purchasing a physical keyboard that is attached through a USB port on a PC or laptop. The physical keyboard can help students make a visual connection and get real practice at playing piano, organ or other keyboard instruments.
Other Features
There are many other features you might find interesting. The transpose feature allows musical pieces to be adjusted to match a singer’s vocal range or to play a tune in a different key. Most programs include fingering charts for a number of different instruments. Tuners and metronomes are also included with many programs.
In short, educational music software provides a number of benefits for instructors and for the budding musicians they teach. The technology is available for making learning easier and more fun. Take advantage of it.
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